New Year Work Fog

Coming back to work on Jan 2nd after a pretty slow holiday week is tough.

Unless you are in sales grinding to close an end of quarter deal most people are taking time off or just not very engaged during the holiday week between Christmas and New Years. I was surprised by the number of calls and meetings that were pushed at the last minute last week. Likely the result of hangovers, sleep ins, family distractions or just plain lack of motivation.

I took the extra time last week to both reflect backward on the prior year and to think about the coming year. I wasn't in full planning mode but was able to get some good ideas captured during the holiday malaise.

Coming back this week, though, has felt particularly brutal. Several people mentioned that they were "in a fog" after the holidays trying to figure out and remember what they were working on, who they were supposed to be talking with and what they were supposed to be working on next.

I had to agree - the fog is real. So many meetings and initiatives start to slip starting at the beginning of December "because of the holidays." Initial project calls or partner meetings get pushed into the New Year out of fear of having to have a follow-up call during the break.

Either way - I'm glad we are back in the groove and shaking off the fog.

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